Tuesday 17 November 2015

crossed lovers.

hello everyone I am here to tell you that I've found my true calling I am a pagan I am best in tarot/playing cards, I think I know the reason me and my true love cannot be together.
It seems every time we try it never works he and I are forbidden to be together but in truth
we love each other.
it may sound something like a fairytale almost but in reality this is the real world I wish I could be his
I miss his kisses I miss his arms around me I miss the laughs and the joy he brought me.
I wish I could be rid of the star crossing I don't wanna end up like Romeo and Juliet,
but maybe someday I wont have a choice..
he makes me happy and I know I made him happy once too we were in deep love once we have
a strong connection.
We are star crossed lovers and I wish that could go away so I can be happy and so can he.
he tries to find happiness in other girls I try in other men but all I do is sin I can never be "pure" till I
have what I need till I have what is meant to be forever with him.
People call me crazy...people call me obsessed you don't know what it's like to be in love with someone you can never be with because the universe stops it and starts it something got us star crossed. I'll never understand it but I have true feelings for him like we've met before I wish
I had a chance with my true love without problems I wish I knew my past life to better understand myself I wish I could be in his arms once more.
I love you my dearest darling.
you and I maybe both sinners but deep down inside we crave each other and you are afraid to admit it.
because your afraid of losing me and a friendship bond we share I will always love you my sweet dearest lost lover be free and happy with who you seek but remember me for I am always here in your heart forever you can't let something good go to waste over fear.

Monday 7 September 2015

forever in my heart sweet puppy demon.

Hello everyone my name is Tina Goyer now I don't care if the Saint Lawrence veterinary clinic see's this they are just big cry babies wanting money left and right even when you are low paid income people they don't give a crap about your animals! do not send them to the Cornwall Ontario Canada Saint Lawrence veterinary clinic they are a fraud! my mother and I lost a 3 month old puppy a few days ago he had parvo I understand that is a disease that is life threatening but the vet "el Korchi" ?
said that it was only a mild case when in fact it was way worst than that, I wasn't with my mom at the time when she took my fur baby to the vet's office.
But that morning they took him in the second that test came out positive
they did not even weigh him to give him the right amount of medication that he needed!
they murdered my puppy they lied to my mother my mom had called the vet to see how Demon was doing and "the secretary told us he was getting comfortable and that he hasn't been getting sick"
then how on earth did he die within 15 hours? after you had told my mother he was fine!
everyone that works there are liars and frauds all they want is your money they don't even give care to your babies, so think twice and please take your love ones to another vet I cannot stress this enough my poor little Demon is now no longer in pain but my mother is!!
the treatment for him was 1,500 to 1,600 and since he didn't make it even over night they won't even return her money or at least half of it.
please keep in mind I have nothing against vet offices but the Saint Lawrence one is a horrible place now my mom is pretty much broke because lazy ass mother fuckers pardon my language are frauds and killed our fur baby! please share this get the word out that Mr. Korchi is a fraud and doesn't give two shits about our babies fur and all!
Our hearts are broken because we lost the most amazing thing to happen to us he was my birthday gift he was supposed to be mine since I have a slight bit of Autism and I am mentally delayed.
he was a gift from the lord and he was taken too soon we miss you Demon xox.
please everyone do what is right and get that man in jail!
I know my mom doesn't have physical proof but our broken hearts should be enough thank you for taking your time to read this long letter thank you and sorry this was a long rant but I had to say it whether if they see this and try to charge me its your fault our baby is dead anyway why would I give a fuck? goodnight everyone!

Tuesday 25 August 2015


I am lost and don't know what to do I have no idea who to believe not even myself it is so hard to just sit here and think.
I need my best-friend even if we are away from each other even a text from him makes me feel better,
I know sometimes things maybe rough and that he isn't here physically he is here mentally and in my heart. he always knows what to say I have no idea what to do about the man I am with my mother and my second mum (my best-friend/sister)'s mother tells me that I should follow my guts if my man plans on taking me out of the country and never bring me back home I don't know what to think or say or do but I know one thing my problems go away when I talk to my guy best-friend...even when he's gone away in my heart and in text he's always there even when he isn't really here physically...I am so lost in my own mind even when I try to think of myself it's hard..

Thursday 23 July 2015

Another chance.

So here we are again..my head hurts it's a spinnin' I'm with someone because I'm lonely or do I really like this guy? yeah he makes me happy but I don't feel the same way as I did once with someone else, I never got the chance to be with ..opportunities were there but my anxiety and nerves got the best of me people were in the way.. now that things are dying out I have my chance..but I don't I'm engaged is it meant to be? or is it just a memory?
I'm tired of making mistakes and getting hurt with this guy I don't get hurt but the other one hurt me once, actually they both hurt me..so I don't know what to think anymore no one wants to hear my guy problems it's not just about the guy thoughts in my head it's the thoughts of the mistakes, the fear the choices I could be making..the fear of losing someone who might be worth it then the other it's so hard for me to be with one person and thinking about the other we will all just get hurt if I make the wrong choices I don't know what to say or do I am confused they both give me the benefit of the doubt they both treat me right except the one thing they both did..I'm tired of trying to chose and hurting the people I do care about them both but one means more to me then the other I'm confused on my feelings am I being manipulated again? am I wrong or right?
what do I do? my heart tells me one my brain tells me another..I am so confused...all I want is help before I jump a bridge into hell I know I'll be going I'm lying for my safety god hates me the goddess is probably tired of me complaining no one wants me not a soul the humans do only two but which one should I be with? I don't know what to do can I be happy for once? can I move on from the heart? I need to be with the right guy..I just don't know how to handle this...can I die? can I please be in peace? and not have to worry who I should be with? be worried that anyone cares? I just wanna be a soul free from pain.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Coming out.

So I came out that I was Bi to my fiance and a good friend of mine of over 14 years..
and both of them still love me very much! I am no different from who I used to be before anyone found out although my mom seems to be a little weirded out by it..I'm hoping she'll get used to it soon I just hope if other people find out (like my ex's) that people won't judge me I've been bullied my whole life for who knows why I don't need my gender to be the next reason :/ I am both a girl and boy on the inside I have my days where I feel like a boy someday's I feel like a girl I really like both sides I'll be getting a haircut soon very short hair going for a guys look sort of haha! 
I am so happy that I came out to them :) they are truly the people I love or at least should love! I just hope one day if I decide to go towards women more one day that nothing bad happens I feel like I'd rather be with the girl of my dreams then what's going on now..but then part of me is like it will be a big change and I hate change..it scares me at first.
I'm hoping that people won't make fun of my choice I've always liked both more men then women but I am starting to like women more I hope to find myself soon..

Thursday 16 July 2015

coming out..or maybe?

hey everyone! okay so I have some truth about to be revealed...do not judge me..I have always had the thoughts of dating a girl I've known for a while about 14 years...but I've also dated plenty of guys well because I don't mind guys either..people just tell me it's a phase or that I just like her you're in over you're head blah blah blah....no I've always felt more connected with being guy like I act like a man but look like a lady, I like both! I am Bi I might reveal this to my fiance..who is a loving guy he knows I've had experiences back in high school...some people now know like my mother and my second mummy aka my girl crushes mom! :) they are pretty understanding of how I feel..I guess? I'm just wondering how my fiance will take it..it's got anxiety in my system acting up because I'm afraid of what people will think of me now...well now yall know that yes I do like girls and guys..mostly guys but one girl always had my heart xox..that's all folks! :) <3 keep on being proud of who you are :D <3

Thursday 9 July 2015

stuck in a world that is forever broken.

I'm disabled and on a disability pension...these people don't allow you to get married or they cut you off they tear the only dreams and things you can do apart by not allowing you to do what you want! I'm stuck living this way for the rest of my life I can't work because I found out I wasn't capable to work I can take care of myself I just can't work or ill hurt myself because of memory issues and anxiety now these people don't care if you have family you love and want to help support them because you have a heart and they don't....because they can work and you can't do you see what's wrong with this picture? you can't be happy with yourself because the world doesn't care about anybody but themselves I just wanna be happy and married to someone I love and they are stopping me from it! it breaks my heart that I may never be able to marry and no one gives a fuck! 

ODSP (ontario disability support program) if you really "support" people start doing it the right way! I feel like I wanna kill myself every night knowing things like this isn't fair..thanks ODSP...you're a heartbreak ready to happen! I wish I wasnèt even born because I know myself I can never get married without losing my support when I truly need it with or without being married.....</3 :'(

Tuesday 7 April 2015

suicide note ..possibly ..that's if I can't make up my mind..

I make mistakes in my life I made stupid choices but my mind never knows what it truly wants..I am so messed up
I want to commit suicide because I'm tired of letting people I love down...I love my family with all my heart and hey if I go to hell well at least it will be warm! 3:) 
I'd rather be somewhere where I don't have to worry about my life choices and hurting people or getting hurt with the consequences even though I need them..it's driving me to depression goodbye to this world hello to the next one..if I have the courage to say goodbye I will...