Wednesday 22 July 2015

Coming out.

So I came out that I was Bi to my fiance and a good friend of mine of over 14 years..
and both of them still love me very much! I am no different from who I used to be before anyone found out although my mom seems to be a little weirded out by it..I'm hoping she'll get used to it soon I just hope if other people find out (like my ex's) that people won't judge me I've been bullied my whole life for who knows why I don't need my gender to be the next reason :/ I am both a girl and boy on the inside I have my days where I feel like a boy someday's I feel like a girl I really like both sides I'll be getting a haircut soon very short hair going for a guys look sort of haha! 
I am so happy that I came out to them :) they are truly the people I love or at least should love! I just hope one day if I decide to go towards women more one day that nothing bad happens I feel like I'd rather be with the girl of my dreams then what's going on now..but then part of me is like it will be a big change and I hate scares me at first.
I'm hoping that people won't make fun of my choice I've always liked both more men then women but I am starting to like women more I hope to find myself soon..

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