Tuesday 17 November 2015

crossed lovers.

hello everyone I am here to tell you that I've found my true calling I am a pagan I am best in tarot/playing cards, I think I know the reason me and my true love cannot be together.
It seems every time we try it never works he and I are forbidden to be together but in truth
we love each other.
it may sound something like a fairytale almost but in reality this is the real world I wish I could be his
I miss his kisses I miss his arms around me I miss the laughs and the joy he brought me.
I wish I could be rid of the star crossing I don't wanna end up like Romeo and Juliet,
but maybe someday I wont have a choice..
he makes me happy and I know I made him happy once too we were in deep love once we have
a strong connection.
We are star crossed lovers and I wish that could go away so I can be happy and so can he.
he tries to find happiness in other girls I try in other men but all I do is sin I can never be "pure" till I
have what I need till I have what is meant to be forever with him.
People call me crazy...people call me obsessed you don't know what it's like to be in love with someone you can never be with because the universe stops it and starts it something got us star crossed. I'll never understand it but I have true feelings for him like we've met before I wish
I had a chance with my true love without problems I wish I knew my past life to better understand myself I wish I could be in his arms once more.
I love you my dearest darling.
you and I maybe both sinners but deep down inside we crave each other and you are afraid to admit it.
because your afraid of losing me and a friendship bond we share I will always love you my sweet dearest lost lover be free and happy with who you seek but remember me for I am always here in your heart forever you can't let something good go to waste over fear.

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