Tuesday 8 March 2016

If you didn't do cocaine

dear ex, I know you still love me however you are scared you are terrified of commitment but you want it I know you oh to well, but you sir do drugs you do cocaine and I will not stand losing someone who I had strong feelings for even though you lied and cheated, used me for money I know you have real feelings for me behind all that crap.

We all cheat and lie to cover up something bigger, and you it's drugs I just didn't wanna sit around and wait till you killed yourself, when that day comes I won't go to your funeral but I will go to you're grave and I will sit there for hours trying to talk to your cold dead corps telling you how wrong you were, how stupid you were for the shit you've done and you'll be silent for once you won't argue you'll be laying there in silence you'll be holding my shoulder or holding me close in spirit crying and I'll be there feeling it and pull you away I stopped talking to you because I  know where that life leads you. I can understand you had a rough life before but that can all change you don't need those so called friends look for the ones that care for your life not the drugs you sell, I know you wont listen to me now...but you will when you're dead.

I want you to have a better life no lying, cheating, drugs be you don't be someone for anyone else the you on drugs isn't you \i know you have mental disabilities that can haunt a normal persons nightmares...but don't use drugs as a way to get rid of your demons,

You have your wonderful mom, your amazing step dad!
you had me...you have your best friend who was mine also...you may not have a lot of friends.
But you do have the very few that care and that should matter but if you let your demons take over you, you will lose them all.

The "friends" who only care about you for the drugs wont know the real you when you go, the only ones who will want to remember you will suffer for years even I will if you let the drugs get to you, soon you won't be here and we will all be lost without you're stubborn ass! and your big mouth but we love you with all our hearts do what is right if you see this...and know who you are dear B.L I didn't leave you for the cheating nor the lies its the drugs who made you this way stop them before you just turn into a corpse a lifeless body of nothing.

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